October 2022 E-News

Fall is hustling and bustling at The Foundry. Check out what we've been up to - from semester youth programming, to exciting projects and announcements.

Now In Session - Semester Youth Programming

Youth Entrepreneurship Program

Our Youth Entrepreneurship program began Sept. 20 with 15 enrolled high school students.

These students meet twice a week for the next 3 months to discover new possible career pathways in making and entrepreneurship.
We're so lucky to have practicing entrepreneurs on-site as real life examples (see students learning with Keith of Keefer's Candles) that youth can talk to and learn from. And it’s not a one-way exchange - the entrepreneurs can get important feedback on how young people interact with their product.

Our youth entrepreneurship program is generously supported by Ciminelli Real Estate . If you/your company is interested in supporting these young people exploring what it’s like to own a company, get in touch! Always looking for speakers, sponsors, and other creative ways to build up our youth.


Making & Manufacturing Workforce Development Program

Our M+M program began Sept. 26 with 8 young adults enrolled in collaboration with The Service Collaborative of WNY.

In this training program at The Foundry, students ages 18-25 learn about using tools for small-batch manufacturing and computer assisted design (metal fabrication, CO2 lasers, 3d printers, CNCs). Students who complete the program successfully qualify as Certified Manufacturing Associates (a ToolingU-SME certification). Graduates of the program select a 4 week long paid internship placement at a partnering manufacturing company.

This program is generously supported by United Way of Buffalo and Erie County as well as First Niagara Foundation in partnership with Key Bank. 

Middle School Afterschool STEAM program

Programs that integrate the arts, STEM concepts and creative group-work enable students to explore curriculum they have encountered in school as part of hands-on, inquiry-based, out-of-school experiences.

Each semester long program focuses on learning through making, and we're excited to bring Foundry tools and instructors to teach 45 students at Buffalo Collegiate Charter School & BPS School 89.

Thank you to the generous support of The Cullen Foundation and The Margaret L. Wendt Foundation for sustaining this program.

Career and Technical Education with OLV Human Services

We're excited to host OLV students three days a week this semester!

Our day programs get students out of the classroom and into the studio or lab for hands-on, real-life opportunities in skills development. Students collaborate to design and build community-based projects and items for sale with educators in our metalshop, woodshop, and tech lab.

Stay tuned to find out how to purchase items made by students as we near the holiday season!

Makerspaces at The Foundry actively engage all ages - to find their creative spark, to access tools, to discover hobbies and future career pathways.

We need your support to continue these efforts and programming for our community youth, please consider making a donation today.


FOUNDRYmade - Central Terminal Project


3 tons of steel. 3 tons of wood. FOUNDRYmade has been working on a massive project...and we thought you could use a sneak peek!

We're so grateful for the opportunity to work with the Central Terminal to create 8 large benches and 4 tables for their outdoor lawn and 2 sculptural trellises, all fabricated in our wood and metal shops by a team of 7 students, 5 instructors, and Foundry staff members.

We'll be celebrating with a ribbon cutting on October 25 at the Central Terminal during the Trunk or Treat event. More details to come, we hope you can join us!

FOUNDRYmade is a social enterprise committed to creating meaningful employment opportunities for youth. While making products in The Foundry's makerspaces, youth develop a valuable toolkit of maker techniques and life skills that will equip them for the future world of work.


Foundry Folks - Keefer Candles


We're so excited for the launch of the Autumn 2022 Collection by Foundry Tenant - Keefer Candles!

Owner Keith Threat teamed up with FOUNDRYmade to design, prototype, and produce custom logo wooden candle lids and wax melt trays in our Tech & Digifab labs. We love how they turned out!

"The Foundry has given me the space, equipment and opportunity to bring my thoughts, imagination and creativity to life, while providing the much needed small business growth support through mentorship, networking and community connections.

Our mission is to provide inner-city and rural households with uncommon and luxury high quality fragrances that can make their homes smell well kept, sparking cherished memories, lifting their spirits, enriching romance, improving their moods, while creating an overall feeling of happiness.

October 1 marked the official launch of the Autumn 2022 Collection and it features an improved Keefer Candles experience! The October launch will introduce deeper customer engagement via social media and email campaigns as well as refreshed product lines and photography."

- Keith Threat, owner of Keefer Candles

Check em out! Get your candles online at www.KeeferCandles.com

And make sure you follow on socials

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/keefercandles/

Instagram: @keefercandles

Volunteer Opportunities  

Fill out THIS FORM and sign up for Fall Volunteering

Garden Volunteers: The Garden Committee is once again looking for volunteers to clean up our gardens ahead of the winter season. Other gardeners come on Wednesday afternoons, but if you’re looking for flexibility and volunteering on your own time, the committee can set you up with specific tasks! Fill out the form to get started.

Shop Supervisors: Open Maker Hours are Mondays 6-9pm and Saturdays 9-1pm. If you are skilled in wood, metal, tech or textile - please reach out! We are asking for 1 volunteer shift per month (you select what time and what shop works for you). Email [email protected] if interested.

Save the Date!

Join us in supporting local and handmade this holiday season! We are continuing the tradition of our holiday market this year, celebrating the talents and skills of Foundry businesses as well as other local artisan vendors. More details to come!