The Foundry - Operation Cool Down 2020

Hurrah! The Foundry has started the re-opening process at last. Our priority as we re-open is first and foremost related to our core mission- to support our maker businesses and youth education programsNext week, we will have youth back on-site in a day program for four weeks. Primarily working outdoors, learning computer assisted design and making wayfinding signs for community groups. And of course our small business tenants are back and working in their spaces. 

Anyone who has visited The Foundry during the "dog days" of a WNY Summer knows that within our doors, it is hot, hot, HOT! This year, more than ever due to the shutdown during COVID-19, we need YOUR help to help us keep everyone comfortable and safe.


The estimated cost to complete our air-conditioning system and purchase large exhaust fans is $10,000. 

TODAY on 716 Day we're asking if YOU can help us cool down by making a recurring monthly donation of $7.16. (approx. $86 total.) Or a one-time donation of $71.60.

Every single donation towards Operation Cool Down 2020 will go directly towards making the Foundry a better place to learn and build and grow. (And much less sweatier and a better place to work!) Will you help us reach our goal? Click here to make a donation.

Thank you for your support.

Reminder - Makerspace & Adult Class Participants - re-opening to the public is currently still on hold. Please be patient as we reach out to you individually about using the makerspaces and rescheduling classes.  Walk-in Wednesday tours and other non-registration activities will be postponed in order to reduce the number of people using The Foundry at this time.

We hope to see you soon!

Keep cool and keep wearing those masks.