The Foundry offers innovative, hands-on, active-learning opportunities for youth in each of our makerspace areas - Technology, Textiles, Metal and Wood. Students develop new skills in our shops and labs. Young people collaborate on interactive projects, master new technologies, deepen important areas of interest, and explore new career possibilities.
*NOW ENROLLING - Middle School Dream Builders - Saturdays!
**CLOSED/FULL - HS Afterschool**
Click a program title below to learn more and to view student projects
Afterschool ProgramsOur programs cater to 5th to 12th grade students, guiding them through computer-assisted design and hands-on creation within our makerspaces integrating art, computing, craftsmanship, entrepreneurship, and the interdisciplinary approach of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math). |
Workforce Development ProgramsCollaborating with nearby schools and organizations, we provide day programs focusing on constructing community-oriented projects. Students explore potential future career paths while also meeting the requirements for Career Development & Occupational Studies (CDOS). |
Thank you Erie County, Ciminelli Real Estate Corporation, Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo, Foundation 214. and USDA for supporting our Youth Programs!
Tours: The Foundry hosts tours for elementary, middle or high school as well as students enrolled in our local colleges.
Schedule a future tour date with us by emailing:[email protected].
Questions? Contact: [email protected]
Page Updated 1/2024